Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry Mission
Show children that they are an important part of the body of Christ
Help children as they decide to believe in Jesus Christ
Teach children how to live as followers of Christ
We believe that children are an important part of our church family and church life, and as such, we have created dedicated spaces with engaging adults and teens who care about each child. We desire to get to know each child personally. Classes are geared for relationship building with small group focus so that peers and mentors can discuss and share ideas. Jesus and the Bible are at the center of all that we do.
Family is important to us. We dedicate times for families to meet other families and make relationships as we serve together to meet with Jesus and serve each other and our surrounding neighborhoods and communities.
Children’s Ministry Programs

Sunday Morning
Our Sunday morning programs offer spaces for infant-5th grade. We have dedicated nursery, preschool, and elementary spaces. Ages 2 and up have a lesson time with activities, worship, Bible story, and games.

Awana is our mid-week Children’s Disciple Making program. This program is for ages 3 years-5th grade and meets Wednesdays during the school year from 6:15pm-7:30pm. This program is focused on teaching God’s word and his gospel message through Bible memorization, large-group Bible story, and games/activities. For more information, contact Elaine Pragle at [email protected].

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is our annual summer children’s retreat. This is a week of music, games, Bible, crafts, science experiments, and more for ages 3 years old to 5th grade. We spend the week focusing on helping children grow stronger in their faith and making time for encounters with God.

Family Focus
PCC has family friendly outreaches and events that promotes relationship building. We want to encourage families to grow emotionally and spiritually together towards supportive friendships and deeper connection with Jesus.

Meet Me at the Park
Meet Me at the Park is our new family outreach this summer 2024. We are meeting at various parks in the area (see our “Events” page for more information) and provide Bible stories, games, craft tables, and more! Invite family, friends, and neighbors to come play at the park!

Family Retreat
Save-the-date for our 2024 Family Retreat coming up September 20th-22nd at Lighthouse Christian Camp. This is one of our family friendly outreaches that promote relationship building. We want to encourage families to grow emotionally and spiritually together towards supportive friendships and deeper connection with Jesus. This will be a great weekend to grow closer to your family and to God!