About Us
Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church” – Matthew 16:18

Our Mission
Renewing people through an encounter with Christ and the power of the gospel.

Our Vision
To mobilize the church for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in our surrounding community and the world.
A Little More About Us
Beliefs & Values
Learn more about what we believe here at Pittsford Community Church.
Our Staff
Our staff is dedicated to helping you grow in your personal walk with Christ.
Our History
On January 9, 1983, two Bible study groups met under the leadership of the founding pastor, Dr. W. Millar Crawford at the Pittsford Recreation Center to form Pittsford Community Church (PCC). The congregation moved to St. John Fisher College in July 1983. In September 1983 a group held an overnight retreat at the Watson Homestead to discuss doctrine and form a constitution. In addition to Sunday services, home Bible study groups continued to be an important part of the life of PCC. Pastor Dana Goodnough joined the PCC ministry team in September 1985.
In early 1990, Winton Road Baptist Church joined Pittsford Community Church and PCC became a part of the North American Baptist Conference.
Later that year, Pastor Crawford retired and Pastor Goodnough was elected to take the role of Senior Pastor. In May of 1991, the congregation moved to its new home on Marsh Road. An addition to this building, including a Family Life Center, was completed in 2003.
PCC planted a daughter church, Victor Community Church, in 2008, a congregation that continues to reach out to its community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Over the years, PCC has supported missionaries around the world, commissioned several missionaries from its own congregation, sent dozens of members on short-term mission activities, and ordained several pastors who still serve in the area. God has blessed and continues to bless Pittsford Community Church.